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Tourism Growth Program deadline Feb 20th, 2024

February 20, 2024

The Government of Canada’s Tourism Growth Program (TGP) aims to help small and medium-sized businesses, tourism organizations, and local communities to grow and develop tourism products and experiences that position Canada as a destination of choice.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants eligible for funding under the TGP include entities such as:

  1. Incorporated small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),
  2. Not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and organizations),
  3. Post-secondary institutions,
  4. Indigenous-owned businesses (including sole proprietors) or Indigenous organizations, or
  5. Governments (municipal/provincial and related entities)

Program Priorities

Project activities must include at least one of the following priority areas (in no order of preference):

  1. Support active tourism – projects that attract domestic and international visitors to participate in outdoor recreational experiences. This also includes improvements to make active tourism inclusive and accessible.
  2. Increase tourism benefits for communities – projects that increase visitors to smaller communities and rural areas, thereby extending the benefits of tourism in B.C.
  3. Support Indigenous tourism industry – projects that are either Indigenous-owned or led that improve or increase Indigenous tourism experiences, which is one of the fastest growing international segments in B.C.’s tourism market.
  4. Support economic, environmental and cultural sustainability – projects that support economic, environmental and culturally sustainability.
  5. Extend the tourism season – projects that support the development and delivery of shoulder season products.
  6. Complement support provided through provincial programs – projects that align with efforts across the federal government and complement provincial, regional and local programs and initiatives.

Eligible Projects

Examples of project activities may include, but are not limited to:

  1. helping operators to improve and/or create innovative tourism offerings attractive to domestic and international visitors,
  2. supporting digitization, automation, or technology integration investments that enhance SME productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness,
  3. supporting businesses with promoting tourism products, including digital and virtual reality experiences,
  4. extending the tourism season by assisting tourism SMEs in the development and delivery of shoulder season products (e.g., winter tourism product development), developing capacity for more inclusive tourism experiences (e.g., enhancing accessibility of tourism assets, staff training to ensure welcoming, inclusive environments to diverse clientele),
  5. developing and/or implementing sustainable tourism plans in communities based on research and market analysis,
  6. supporting destinations to implement tourism plans that create or improve local assets, facilities, and planning for key infrastructure, including trails, and other activities related to growing tourism.


up to $250,000


February 20, 2024, by 12:00pm PST

Apply here