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PSCB: Coach Travel Grant deadline Mar 15, 2024
March 15, 2024

Please read the information below and then submit your completed application to the PacificSport Columbia Basin at columbiabasin@pacificsport.com before 11:59 pm March 15th, 2024.
PacificSport Columbia Basin acknowledges the significant contribution of PacificSport affiliated coaches and their commitment to the development of high performance athletes. PacificSport recognizes the need for financial aid for travel for affiliated coaches – please refer to the criteria below. The intent of this grant is to help offset travel expenses through the support of PacificSport.
Applications, based on the linked Application Form – PSCB Coach Travel Grant are to be submitted to PacificSport Columbia Basin by 11:59 pm March 15th, 2024
A coach’s travel expenses must fall into one of the categories below:
- for professional development opportunities, or;
- certification courses, or;
- to accompany their athlete to national championships or the highest level of competition in that sport. These are athletes that have been identified by their Provincial Sport Organization according to the Provincial level criteria;
Selection of deserving coaches will be based on the following criteria:
- must be a targeted coach registered with PacificSport Columbia Basin with a current NCCP number,
- must be attending with athletes they directly coach who have achieved their national championship or equivalent entry standard as set by their National Sport Federation, or the athlete or team must have qualified for a national/international championship or the highest level of competition in that sport (Senior Nationals, Olympic Trials, Major Games Trials, World Championships);
- each coach will be eligible for one grant per year only;
- the funds will be used for travel expenses only;
- the amount requested must be matched by the sport or coach;
- the maximum annual allocation of funds will not exceed $400.00 to any one coach; and
- coaches may only apply once during the Regional Centre’s fiscal year. The application for funding must be (1) based on performance(s) achieved within the fiscal year (April 1, 2023 – March 31 2024) and (2) be submitted to and received by our office before March 15, 2024.
The grant adjudication panel will use the above criteria as guidelines. All travel applications must be approved by the panel. The decisions of the panel will be final.
The Travel Grant Advisory Committee will meet up to 3 times each calendar year to review bursary applications and disperse funds. The allocation of funds will depend on the amount and availability of funds.
If you have questions about your eligibility please contact columbiabasin@pacificsport.com
Q: I am a summer sport coach and our championships was in October, can I still apply?
A: Yes you can still apply for the grant if you met the qualifying standards and attended national championships
Q: I did not keep my receipts for attending nationals, but I’m sure I could work with our team admin and my parents to reflect more than $400 in hotel and transportation costs to Nationals. Do you need to see receipts?
A: The grant committee may choose to audit the authenticity of a submission by requesting receipts, however this is not common practice. You don’t need to find the receipts unless you are specifically asked.